Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ode to the Rain

We've had some gloomy rainy weather here in Socal. It is known far and wide that people here do not know what real weather is, therefore we get panicked with mild raindrops. So me , L.a. girl that I am, busted out the heavy duty rain boots, cause you never know with them crazy puddles out there!  I wore my daddy's rain boots today :)
They are incredibly comfy (cause they're a little big on me, can I get an "awww") and they make me happy. I never had rain boots when I was a kid, so maybe it's one of those things lol. 
if you're interested, click here
Ooh! Pink!
Pink Fessura rain boots @ Endless.

Aww these are sweet!

Stuart Weitzman also @ Endless

And of course you'll need an umbrella...
Clear bubble umbrella here

Might as well get something for the furbaby lol
So cute @ Amazon
too much adorableness  :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas is over

First of all I hope everybody had a blessed Christmas. I had a nice Christmas dinner with my friend's on the 23rd and then dinner with my family on the 24th, Midnight Mass with my dad which was wonderful, and then another family get together with more family on the 25th, so I feel pretty blessed that it was such a nice experience. So now it's done with, very quickly it seems to me and I actually feel a little sad although I know Jesus is here to stay, he wasn't just born and it's all done with on the 25th. He came into the world and chose to stay with us in the gift of the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist. Today I saw a blogger write "Christmas is over, thankgod" a co-worker also expressed she was glad Christmas was done with because she did not have a good one. Here I'm thinking, how is it possible for people to be glad Christmas is over? Definitely missing the whole point of Christmas, that we celebrate the birth and coming of our Lord Christ. Well I for one am asking the child Jesus to stay in my heart and help me to grow in love and faith, so that next Christmas God willing, I will have a deeper understanding and appreciation of what we celebrate.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Yes Christmas, not "Happy Holidays" or "Season's Greetings". You know when I was a kid everywhere you went, people would wish each other a Merry Christmas, but now it seems people are almost afraid to say it. Christ is the center of Christmas, it's his birth that we're celebrating. Well I'm very much looking forward to spending my Christmas with family and friends and most important, I look forward to attending midnight mass on the 24th :) 

I have all the intention of reviving this blog haha, so I have 2 major projects in mind right now, one is to do some sketching of some clothing designs I have in my head and then very important! Outfits for Baby Jesus :D super excited about that one. Well I also have a new camera so I will definitely be sharing those projects very soon :) Have a blessed Christmas everybody!