Friday, April 8, 2011

New Job New Beginnings

So on our last episode =) I posted about a job interview that i was excited about. Well I did get the job yay! In fact I started the next day, kind of crazy. I started as temp, but today I was offered the full-time position!! I'm so happy and so excited and I feel very blessed. I'm even excited about getting my own desk haha. Up til now I've been sitting in the corner of a cutting table with very little room to work with, but next week i finally get a real desk and probably a phone lol The things that excite me. I pray everyday on my way to work that God help me do my best and that he drive me to go above and beyond in every task big or small. Only with him can i do my best :) Oh! I forgot to tell you what the job is. Well i'm a Pre-Production Assistant for a clothing manufacturer. If you didn't know I've always worked in the clothing industry out here in L.a. This job is a change of gears for me, from my technical designer background but so far i love it! My new boss seems to be interested in my ideas too which is a nice change, so i'm really trying to work my toosh off.
 Well it's been a long day. I'm still in a sushi coma from dinner with the cousins so i'm gonna wind it down and go to bed soon. God bless.