Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ode to the Rain

We've had some gloomy rainy weather here in Socal. It is known far and wide that people here do not know what real weather is, therefore we get panicked with mild raindrops. So me , L.a. girl that I am, busted out the heavy duty rain boots, cause you never know with them crazy puddles out there!  I wore my daddy's rain boots today :)
They are incredibly comfy (cause they're a little big on me, can I get an "awww") and they make me happy. I never had rain boots when I was a kid, so maybe it's one of those things lol. 
if you're interested, click here
Ooh! Pink!
Pink Fessura rain boots @ Endless.

Aww these are sweet!

Stuart Weitzman also @ Endless

And of course you'll need an umbrella...
Clear bubble umbrella here

Might as well get something for the furbaby lol
So cute @ Amazon
too much adorableness  :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas is over

First of all I hope everybody had a blessed Christmas. I had a nice Christmas dinner with my friend's on the 23rd and then dinner with my family on the 24th, Midnight Mass with my dad which was wonderful, and then another family get together with more family on the 25th, so I feel pretty blessed that it was such a nice experience. So now it's done with, very quickly it seems to me and I actually feel a little sad although I know Jesus is here to stay, he wasn't just born and it's all done with on the 25th. He came into the world and chose to stay with us in the gift of the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist. Today I saw a blogger write "Christmas is over, thankgod" a co-worker also expressed she was glad Christmas was done with because she did not have a good one. Here I'm thinking, how is it possible for people to be glad Christmas is over? Definitely missing the whole point of Christmas, that we celebrate the birth and coming of our Lord Christ. Well I for one am asking the child Jesus to stay in my heart and help me to grow in love and faith, so that next Christmas God willing, I will have a deeper understanding and appreciation of what we celebrate.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Yes Christmas, not "Happy Holidays" or "Season's Greetings". You know when I was a kid everywhere you went, people would wish each other a Merry Christmas, but now it seems people are almost afraid to say it. Christ is the center of Christmas, it's his birth that we're celebrating. Well I'm very much looking forward to spending my Christmas with family and friends and most important, I look forward to attending midnight mass on the 24th :) 

I have all the intention of reviving this blog haha, so I have 2 major projects in mind right now, one is to do some sketching of some clothing designs I have in my head and then very important! Outfits for Baby Jesus :D super excited about that one. Well I also have a new camera so I will definitely be sharing those projects very soon :) Have a blessed Christmas everybody!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Miracle of Miracles...God's Love

It's quite amazing how much God loves us, that in moments of distress He comes to the rescue immediately like a superhero in the movies, only He is real as is His love. We can very easily detach ourselves from Christ. It's very easy to simply put our bible on the book shelf and forget about it when everything's going great in your life and you have no worries, no stresses. This of course happens when our faith is luke warm, because when our faith is firm and our love for God is tattooed in our hearts then nothing should distract us. Time and time again I experience God's amazing love for me, and it makes me sad to realize that my love for Him is warm, when it should be hot as fire, but I desire in my heart to fall more deeply in love with Christ so that I will be not so easily set off the path. So my prayer for myself and for all you out there, is that God in his merciful and endless love, help us to grow stronger in our love for Him and to always turn to Him in good times and bad. That we always be grateful at every moment for all he gives us, and that our only desire be to follow Him and love Him, and do His will. Amen.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 7

So I've been attending daily mass for 7 consecutive days now. I feel really great...more than great. It's my favorite part of the day. It takes some crazy amount of will power for me to get up at 6 am to make it to 6:30 mass, but once I walk inside church, ahh it's this indescribable feeling. Today was pretty great because I felt very close to Mary. I prayed with her after receiving communion and asked her to make me the best woman I can be and the daughter God wants me to be. So I highly recommend daily mass if you can do it. In just a few days I can feel God working in me :) 

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Completed Project!!

So the Quinceañera dress was finished just in time and the lovely quinceañera looked beautiful!! I was so proud. The dress got tons of compliments :)
Me and Anais

Yay me lol.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Adoration :)

 I just wanna share that I went to Adoration yesterday and it was fantastic. I hadn't done it in a while and it was really great. We all need to spend time with the Lord. He fills us with peace and fuels us to keep moving forward as a better person. For those of you not familar, we Catholics believe that Christ is truly present in the Eucharist, the small round piece of bread that we receive in the communion at mass. Adoration is spending time in prayer with the presence of the Holy Sacrament in a church or chapel. (For more on Adoration click here.)

Anyway, if you're Catholic (and even if you're not) and have never taken the time to go and spend some alone time with the Big Guy in the form of the Blessed Sacrament I definitely invite you to do so, it's a beautiful experience. Okay this time I am out for real. God bless and have an awesome day!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Seek First the Kingdom of God

I am Miss Complain today, to no one in particular just myself, complain complain, about me being unhappy with my job, not being happy with my career status in general, goals that I've set and not accomplished. But there is no one else but myself to blame for my failures, and how can I achieve these goals if I don't constantly put them in God's hands through prayer? And God's not gonna hand all my dreams to me on a silver platter either. I have to do something about it, I can't do things with half effort and expect the Big guy to put up 80%. No that's not gonna fly. If i want things in my life to change for the better, I have to stay connected to Jesus and my mother Mary through prayer, communion, fasting, and get to work too! One of my favorite verses is burning on my forehead right about now, "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides." Mt 6:33  Let's stop complaining and get movin' with Christ!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Weekend Sewing

Well i spent a lot of time sewing this weekend. Mainly trying to finish up the quinceañera dress, because the party is next Saturday! Bad seamstress lol. I take advantage because she's my friend.My eyeballs were about to fall off last night. I was sewing some tiny white pearls and some bugle beads to the front bodice.

I truly suck at beading. Must do more of it so I can improve!

While I was working on the dress I managed to squeeze in some doggie blankets :) for my baby and for my friend's doggie. The pups loved them.
My little baby loved his blankie.

Lucy is my friend's tea-cup chihuahua. She loved her blankie too.

Lucy and Vinny had a playdate this weekend.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My Labor Day Weekend

Did a lot of sewing over the weekend, still not done with the quinceañera dress but it's getting there. I promise I will post better pics when it's done, these are just teasers haha.

Then just for fun (sarcastic...nah it was fun lol) I volunteered myself to make my little cousin's lil mermaid costume for her 7th birthday. It was worth it because she totally loved it.

Here's some more pics from the weekend. Went to the Huntington Library, loved it, they have an amazing collection of plants and flowers.

Ok that's my quick post :) Have a beautiful rest of the day and God bless.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Soon to be purchased...

So I was Etsy hopping (I love Etsy), and I found myself in trim heaven! I found some super fun trims and fabric and I had to post cute, can't wait to purchase some, if not all of these goodies.

Lovee these!! Not just for V-day, but adorable all year round. To check them out click here.

Super adorable strawberry ribbon. Would look great on an apron maybe.

The cutest measuring tapes ever!!! I'm getting one of these for sure!

More fun ribbon, kinda vintagey no?

Very adorable, I probably won't get this one because I have way too many storage boxes and trinkets and I really don't need any more. Ahh but they're cute! (sewing machine spool rack)

Definitely purchasing some of this strawberry canvas fabric, oh the possibilities, hee hee.

Endless cuteness. (bow er butterfly buttons)

Love stuff with apples on it :)

Totally excited, can't wait to get these in the mail :) Off I go! 
God bless everybody.

From Today's First Reading

.."and you are Christ's; and Christ is God's."
1 Cor 3:23

now if only we lived with this in our heart each day, how much better would our life be.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


So, as soon as I'm done with the dress I'm making, my sewing room is getting a make-over. I don't have any current pics, but it looks like a tornado hit it. So I was searching for some decor and storage ideas and found some cute lookin' sewing rooms.

and then when I was finding these awesome photos I ran into more pics of adorable sewing pins. 
Loveeeeee these!I'm guessing not very functional though ;)
Haha! Perfect for Christmas time.

Crunch Time

Good morning bloggies,
so last night I was up til almost midnight sewing away. I'm making a quinceañera dress and the quinceañera is in a little over 2 weeks!!! I'm in a purple taffeta nightmare lol. God please send your sewing angels to assist me :) I'll post pics later of the finished product. So have a wonderful day to whoever might read this, may God grant us a smooth and peace-filled day and may we grow in obedience and love, Amen!

Peace out!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Post :)

I'm excited to be starting this blog, it doesn't look so great yet, but I'll be blinging it out later. The purpose of this blog is to share some of my projects with you, and also share about my faith. So journey with me as I grow in spirit, with the help of God and hopefully make some great stuff too! God bless.