Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

2011 you're officially here, wow! As 2010 came to and end I was really reflecting on the past year. What I did, what I accomplished, the goals I had set for myself at the beginning of last year and what I actually did. I had a good year. I spent a lot of time with family, got my car, fell in love (with my doggie lol), had a little heartbreak also, and matured a little more along the process. But looking back truly motivates me to make this year better. I've also been talking to the Big guy and he's helped to see what areas I need to improve on. So this 2011 I want to be as productive as I can be. Doing something positive each day. First and foremost serving God. Sevice to God is one of the most fulfilling things in life, it really is. I want to improve my intellect as well, read more books (see my booklist) I want to strengthen my spirit. I'm already doing little things to stay on the positive road and always moving forward. Financial organization is definitely a weak area for me and one that needs some whip cracking, so this morning I spent some time looking at my money and seeing where I'm at. I paid off one credit card and canceled another, yay! So definitely off to a good start there. I think that's what new year's resolutions are about, goals. Not just throwing stuff out in the air and then giving up the second week of January. It's about setting real goals for the year. Shooting for an improved version of me. Always looking ahead and staying motivated. From a Christian point of view,  well our goal should be heaven plain and simple. Our goals for the year should involve developing a more intimate prayer life, educating ourselves more so in the faith, things like that. Always with our eyes set on Christ. May this year bring you wonderful new things and many blessing. and may it also being you close to Christ's heart.

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